Saturday 17 February 2018

What's On My Charm Bracelet

Hey everyone, today I'm going to show you guys what's on my bracelet and every time I wear my charm bracelet in any my videos, I get a ton of requests on which silver charms I have. So I figured I'd do this video and show you guys my charms, but before I start, I want to leave a little disclaimer just letting you guys know that I'm really not trying to brag and this was requested and also this is a charm bracelet.

I've been collecting charms for about two years now and each charm has a little story for it, so I just wanted to show you guys my charms and what they mean to me and what experiences I have had that got me those charms. I thought this would be an interesting video to do and if you have a bracelet and you want to show me, what charms you have and tell me your stories, leave it down below, but I'm just going to go ahead and get started.

This is the little pouch that my bracelet came in, along with the box and this is my charm bracelet. I'm just going to quickly close it, just to show you guys what it looks like closed. The clasp I have is just like the classic clasp that you put in like this and then you snap it shut. It’s a little bit of a tough closure and it's really hard to open, so what I do is, I didn't buy that special opener that they have. I just use a little flat clip like this and it's the perfect size to fit into the closure and close it. So that's a little tip if you guys have a bracelet of your own.

I'm just going to get started. I guess in the order that they are on my bracelet. the first charm that I have is an R and obviously this is pretty self-explanatory, my name is Rachel, so my first initial starts with an R, my aunt got me this one for Christmas last year. This next charm here is a really pretty flower and I actually really love this a lot. It’s really unique and delicate and elegant, I would say my parents bought me this one when we went to Buffalo lasts two weekends ago.

They treated me to that and I think it's really pretty, I just love flowers, actually I even love real flowers when people buy flowers for me. I love them all, I can buy them for myself sometimes just because I love flowers so much. The next charm that I have here is a purple crystal charm and my friends got this one for me because they know my favourite colour is purple as you can tell. My room has purple accents, my necklace is purple, I really do love purple. it used to be a lot more shiny when I first got it, I think I need to bring my bracelet to get cleaned but I really like that charm.

The next charm that I have is a dangling 16 and my friends got this charm for me, along with my bracelet for my 16th birthday. If you've been a subscriber since then and you saw the vlog that I got this bracelet in, then leave a comment below. Let me know. the next charm that I have is just a plain heart and I always say that this charm because it flips upside down, I always say this charm looks like a bum, but it's true when it flips. It looks like a bum, my aunt also got this charm for me because she loves me, so she got me the heart.

The next charm that I have and I really love this charm I would have to say it's probably my favourite charm and the most meaningful charm that I have and it is a little DSLR camera and I have a little DSLR camera, not little it's pretty big, I'm filming on it right now. I have the Canon Rebel t3i and I always get questions on my videos on what camera I have and I always answer it but people seem to always ask. so that's the camera that I have and I love taking pictures, I make YouTube videos obviously, so I thought that the camera was really appropriate and next charm that I have I really love because of the name. Well actually, there's a little story that goes along with this one. I have the booklet of charms, they can look through, so when I went to this store, I knew which one I wanted.

My parents bought this one for me, they took me along to pick it out and the one that I was looking at was called something like clear daydream or something like that and I actually really liked the name of it, daydream. I thought that was really appropriate because I'm always like dreaming and I have big hopes and dreams, so I thought it was really appropriate. Anyways, the one that I was looking at was pretty similar to this charm, but the lady pulled it out, she pulled out this one and thought it was the daydream one but because they look pretty similar. so then at the end when we're cashing out realized that she showed me the wrong one, but I ended up liking this one better and so this is the one that I got, because it was more sparkly and I really liked it.

I got that one recently on my trip to Buffalo and the final charm that I have is a little butterfly and this is one that my aunt got me. My mom told her to get it because my mom is obsessed with butterflies, not real butterflies, but the symbol of a butterfly. She thinks they’re really pretty so that is the charm that my aunt bought me, but my mom really loves it, so it reminds me of my mom like a butterfly and these are all the charms that I have on  my bracelet.

I have just the classic silver bracelet I don't know what size it is, but it's pretty small and I'm pretty content with the charms that I have on it right now, because I have a ton and I don't really feel like I need too many more, but if I have one to get them for like gifts or anything then I'll definitely add it on but I don't really have my eye on any specific ones.

Something that I find different than a lot of people do is I like to wear all my charms right next to the clasp but all the way on the end of the bracelet because then it looks like the clasp is another charm, especially because mine are mainly all silver, so that's a little tip it will make you look like you have an extra charm and it just looks a lot prettier.

I slid all my charms there instead of wearing it with the charms dangling at the bottom and then the clasp at the top. Do you know what I'm saying? I hope you guys all enjoyed and if you are interested in getting a bracelet, I feel like they're a really nice gift idea for friends. My friends and I, we did a little thing for our 16th birthday that we all pitched in and bought each other a charm and bracelet for all of our birthdays and there's five of us. So it's kind of a friendship bracelet as well.

We all have our own charm bracelets, we all have the same one. It’s a silver one, I also have a black leather wrap but it was attached to a watch that I have and I don't wear any charms on that one. I just wanted to show you guys my charm bracelet chain but that's about it. I hope you guys all enjoy it and I'll talk to you guys in my next video, bye.

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